
We believe that giving is part of our worship. It shouldn’t be something we do out of a sense of duty or coercion. Generosity is a natural response when we encounter the generosity that God has lavished on us.

Bank Transfer

You can set up a standing order or one off payment using the following account details:

Account Name: St John’s Welcome Centre
Sort Code: 08-90-09 | Account No: 61498282

(If you are a UK tax payer, please fill out the Gift Aid Form for us to claim an extra 25p per £1 this is for bank transfers only)


If you have a query relating to your giving, please email


Take what you need, leave what you can

Our Blessing Box is a community food and hygiene resource. We use the donated food to bless our families at their time of need. We create hampers of food , toiletries and hygiene provisions to support our community.